Oud Herlaar, Brabants Buitenmuseum
We are working on the design for re-use of the listed monumental Oud Herlaar farm. The farm is going to be a multifunctional building for exhibitions, performances and meetings as part of the Brabant Buitenmuseum’s. The Brabants Buitenmuseum is going to be a place where nature, cultural history and art come together.
Oud Herlaar
The Oud Herlaar farm will form the centre in the outdoor museum. Here, heritage, landscape and art can come together in a special way. Oud Herlaar is a listed building. The current long gable farm is built on the remains of a castle in 1850. The first written indications of the possible existence of a castle on the site of Oud Herlaar date from the 11th century.
sketch dec.23
Farm Oud Herlaar